BOOK REVIEW: Sun Tzu’s Art of War Unveiled


“Over 2500 years ago the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu handed down to posterity his inimitable treatise ‘The Art of War.’

Among his many pearls of wisdom, is how one could successfully defeat an adversary with the inherent power of one’s mind. Down the years his thoughts continue to inspire and just as much mystify the world.

Geneviève Tan Shu Thung, a mindful seeker in her own right, takes a bold ‘ fourth dimensional’  approach in this book to shed insightful light in elaborating some of the salient yet elusive gems found in that  timeless classic. In lucid terms with scholarly presentation Geneviève explains how Sun Tzu’s strategic philosophy has become increasingly pertinent to modern times.

Her unique prose delivered succinctly in a compelling style helps the reader to comprehend and appreciate the very thoughts of Sun Tzu in a meaningful manner. She provides a gentle interpretation of the esoteric concepts envisaged by the illustrious sage. As she unveils the true aspects of the soul-searching masterpiece of Sun Tzu one fails not to see how the original strategy meant to gain victory on the battlefield could transcend into a win-win fait accompli for anyone living in contemporary times.

Whether it is a corporate warrior or a harried housewife, Genevieve’s book shows the way to a panacea that is already within one’s Mind’s Eye.”

Charles Rex de Silva: Independent Editorial Consultant, Former Editor-in-Chief for the Borneo Bulletin Newspaper & Former Journalist for the German Press Agency (dpa)



One thought on “BOOK REVIEW: Sun Tzu’s Art of War Unveiled

  1. ‘Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate,’ says Sun Tzu, in one of 6th century BCE’s great military strategist’s in one of my favourite quotes of his.
    Don Mithuna’s in his return to his favourite field of writing has subtly won over millions of hearts in the same mysterious way. Doing great justice to the Chinese ancient think tank he has captured the the subtlety’s of Sun Tzu’s philosophies in just a few words to strike a chord in the mind of the reader. The sheer simplicity of his words effortlessly gives immense meaning to Genevieve’s work and tributes the ancient Chinese master with a flourish.

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